Finance Consultant is now is the hotest career in Viet Nam. Since Viet Nam opened to join WTO, there have been more and more new kinds of investment: FOREX, Securities,... with traditional kinds of investment like gold, real estate

To be successful, investors firstly have to master the rules of each finance services they get involved in as well as need to be consulted by a specialist.

With a broad knowledge of Vietnamese economy, above-mentioned finance services and a wish to become a finance consultant. I myself have decided to open vnfinanceconsultant website in order to share my experience in these finance services and develop my own trademark in the futrue.

Thank you for joining and supporting my website.

Email: siltbank@gmail.com
Address: 232/7 Cong Hoa Street, Ward 12, District Tan Binh, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam
Telephone: 84 8 8114057
Mobile phone: 84 8 903759230
website: http://vnfinanceconsultant.blogspot.com