NHP: Notice of record date for share dividend payment and share issue to outstanding shareholders
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    1. #1
      Ngày tham gia
      Dec 2011
      Bài viết
      Được cám ơn 23 lần trong 23 bài gởi

      Thumbs down NHP: Notice of record date for share dividend payment and share issue to outstanding shareholders

      NHP Production Import-Export Joint Stock Company (HNX:NHP) announced the notice of record date for share dividend payment and share issue to outstanding shareholders as follows:

      1. Issuer: NHP Production Import-Export Joint Stock Company
      2. Stock code: NHP
      3. Stock type: Common stock
      4. Par value: VND 10,000/share
      5. Record date: 28/07/2016
      6. Ex-date: 27/07/2016
      7. Reason:
      * Dividend payment by share:
      - Exercise rate: 3,5% (Shareholders are entitled to receive 07 new shares for every 200 shares they own ).
      - Exercise place:
      + For undeposited shares: NHP Production Import-Export Joint Stock Company on working days. Securities certificate and Identification Card (original copy) are required. In case of authorization, a proxy with certified seal of the local authority is further requested in addition to the mentioned above
      + For deposited shares: securities companies where shares of shareholders have been deposited.
      - Rounding method, handling of shares representing less than one unit: Number of shares received will be rounded down to units digit. Odd share will be cancelled.

      * Share issue to outstanding shareholders:
      - Number of shares to be issued: 10,000,000 shares
      - Exercise rate: 1,74554:1
      - Issue price: VND 10.000
      - Rounding method: Number of shares received will be rounded down to units digit.
      - Blocked account:
      + Account name: NHP Production Import-Export Joint Stock Company
      + Bank name: An Binh Commercial Joint Stock Bank – Hanoi Branch
      + Account number: 0111038957035
      - Stock type: free transfer
      - Time for transfer of purchase rights:
      + Start date: 08/08/2016
      + End date: 30/08/2016
      - Time for registration:
      + Start date: 08/08/2016
      + End date: 05/09/2016
      - Exercise Place:
      + For undeposited shares: NHP Production Import-Export Joint Stock Company on working days. Securities certificate and Identification Card (original copy) are required. In case of authorization, a proxy with certified seal of the local authority is further requested in addtion to the mentioned above.
      + For deposited shares: securities companies where shares of shareholders have been deposited
      - Times for transfer of share purchase rights: 1 time

    2. Những thành viên sau đã cám ơn :
      thanlnvn (25-01-2017)

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