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    1. #26
      Ngày tham gia
      Aug 2010
      Bài viết
      Được cám ơn 325 lần trong 218 bài gởi

      Mặc định Những series bài hay về phần mềm PTKT phân tích kỹ thuật MetaStock

      Đây là loạt bài AmiBroker AFL Library về phần mềm phân tích kỹ thuật PTKT AmiBroker


      Formula name: 3 Price Break
      Author/Uploader: Bhcombo -
      Date/Time added: 2004-12-05 17:16:00
      Keywords: Three Price Break
      Level: medium
      Flags: indicator
      DISCLAIMER: Most formulas present in AFL on-line library are submitted by the users and are provided here on an "as is" and "as available" basis. AmiBroker.com makes no representations or warranties of any kind to the contents or the operation of material presented here. We do not maintain nor provide technical support for 3rd party formulas.

      3 Price Break can be used to verify trend and to set trailing stops.

      This is a work in progress. I pefer to see the 3PB lines graphed against a candlestick chart versus the traditional 3PB representation. This will graph the price break line as green in an uptrend and red in a down trend. There are parameters for changing the number of price breaks (2 versus 3) and the number of bars to use to begin the study. If you don't see a plot, it is, probably because there are not enough bars to perform the study.

      To be corrected - the method used to determine the seed is not correct, but it doesn't matter once the initial trend has been established.

      Title = Name()+ " Price Break Indicator." ;
      //+ " Trend is " + Trend_Text + ". SEQUENCE IS " + Sequence_Text;

      ///////// Parameters ////////

      nBars_To_Scan = Param("Number of bars to Scan",20, 10,480, 10); //Number of
      bars to include in scan
      PB_Interval = Param("Number of Bars for Price Break",3,2,3,1);

      ///////// Use Array of Prices and Price Breaks to Look Back and Determine What
      Price Break is For Current Bar
      Seedbar = nBars_To_Scan + 1; //Need an initial value to start the PB
      if (BarCount > Seedbar) //Make sure there are enough bars available to

      Price[0]= LastValue(Ref(C,-Seedbar)); //Seed the 0 Bar in the Array with
      Trend[0]=1; //1 = Long, 0=Short
      Sequence[0]=0; //Sequence counter - counts number of new price breaks
      Price_Break[0] = LastValue(Ref(C,-Seedbar));
      High_C1[0] = LastValue(Ref(C,-Seedbar)); //Highest Close 1 Ago
      High_C2[0]= LastValue(Ref(C,-Seedbar)); //Highest Close 2 Ago
      High_C3[0]= LastValue(Ref(C,-Seedbar)); //Highest Close 3 Ago
      Low_C1[0] = LastValue(Ref(C,-Seedbar)); //Lowest Close 1 Ago
      Low_C2[0] = LastValue(Ref(C,-Seedbar)); //Lowest Close 2 Ago
      Low_C3[0] = LastValue(Ref(C,-Seedbar)); //Lowest Close 3 Ago

      for ( i=1; i < Seedbar ; i++) //Cycle through prices filling in price array
      and caculating price breaks

      Prior = i-1; //Index for Prior entry in array. Set the current array
      values to
      Trend[i]=Trend[Prior]; //prior values to make sure everything that isn't
      changed later
      Price_Break[i] = Price_Break[Prior]; //gets carried forward to the next row
      in the array.
      Low_C1[i] = Low_C1[Prior]; //Carryover current values
      Low_C2[i] = Low_C2[Prior];
      Low_C3[i] = Low_C3[Prior];
      High_C1[i] = High_C1[Prior]; //Carryover current values
      High_C2[i] = High_C2[Prior];
      High_C3[i] = High_C3[Prior];
      Sequence[i] = Sequence[Prior];

      Price[i] = LastValue (Ref (C,-(Seedbar-i))); //Seedbar is the bar just in
      front of where I start the method. Works since i starts at 1

      if (Price[i] >Price[Prior] AND Trend[Prior] == 1 ) // If Close is Greater than
      the prior close And the Trend is Long
      if (Price[i] >High_C1[Prior]) //If the Close is greater than the last
      highest close
      //Test For Price Break. The IIF is there to accomodate a 2 price
      or 3 price break option
      //based on the PB_Interval parameter
      Price_Break[i] = IIf(PB_Interval == 3,High_C3[Prior],IIf(PB_Interval ==
      //The 3PB method says I take the highest close 4 ago as the new
      price break.
      Sequence[i] = Sequence[i] + 1; //Increment Sequence if Price Break
      High_C3[i] = High_C2[Prior]; //Stacking the higher closes like this avoids
      having to go back and iterate through the.
      High_C2[i] = High_C1[Prior]; //closes to find and count the higher closes.
      They are just carried forward in the stack.
      High_C1[i] = Price[i]; //When a higher close occurs, it is put on the top
      of the stack, each close below is
      } //pushed down in sequence, and the earliest (farthest back) close
      goes away.

      if (Price[i] >Price[Prior] AND Trend[Prior] == 0 ) // If Close is Greater than
      the prior close And the Trend is Short
      if (Price[i] >Price_Break[Prior]) //If Close > Price Break in trend is
      Short, Reverse and go Long

      High_C1[i] = High_C2[i] = High_C3[i] = Price[i]; //Initialize sequence of
      new Highs
      Price_Break[i] = Price[i]; //Set new value for Price Break
      Trend[i] = 1; //Set the trend Long
      Sequence = 0;

      if (Price[i] <Price[Prior] AND Trend[Prior] ==0) // If The Close is less than
      the prior close And the Trend is Short
      if (Price[i] <Low_C1[Prior]) //If the Close is less than the last lowest

      Price_Break[i] = IIf(PB_Interval == 3,Low_C3[Prior],IIf(PB_Interval ==
      2,Low_C2[Prior],Low_C3[Prior])); //Test For Price Break
      Sequence[i] = Sequence[i] + 1; //Increment Sequence if Price Break
      Low_C3[i] = Low_C2[Prior]; //Update sequence of new Lows
      Low_C2[i] = Low_C1[Prior];
      Low_C1[i] = Price [i];

      if (Price[i] <Price[Prior] AND Trend[Prior] ==1) // If The Close is less than
      the prior close And the Trend is Long
      if (Price[i] < Price_Break[Prior]) //If Close < Price Break in Long
      Trend, reverse and go Short

      Low_C1[i] = Low_C2[i] = Low_C3[i] = Price[i]; //Initialize sequence of new
      Price_Break[i] = Price[i]; //Set new value for Price Break
      Trend[i] = 0; //Set Trend Short
      Sequence = 0;

      //// Plot the Price Breaks.
      Bar_x1=BarCount - (nBars_To_Scan - Prior );
      Bar_x2=BarCount - ( nBars_To_Scan - i);
      PB_Color = IIf(Trend[i] == 1,colorGreen, colorRed);
      Sequence_Text = NumToStr(Sequence,format=1.0);
      Trend_Text = WriteIf(Trend[i] > 0, "Long","Short");

      } //Close the For Loop

      } //Close the first test for sufficient bars to do the study

    2. Những thành viên sau đã cám ơn :
      tigeran (10-08-2013)

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