Development Investment Construction Joint Stock Corporation announced the business result in the first nine months of 2009:

According to the financial report of the parent company, in Quarter III/2009, DIC Corp gained VND346 billion in revenue and the accumulation in the first nine months of 2009 was VND797 billion, accounting for 66.42% of the whole year plan (VND1200 billion). Profit after tax in Quarter III/2009 was VND210 billion and in the first nine months of 2009 was VND412,86 billion, equivalent to 125.11% of the 2009 plan (VND330 billion).

In September 2009, DIC Corp paid 12% for cash dividend in advance.

On 9 October 2009, the Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting held under the form of collecting shareholders’ opinions in writing was unanimous to approve a plan to increase capital to VND1,000 billion through a private placement of 10 million shares worth VND100 billion in Quarter IV/2009, and the 2009 dividend payment with 30 million shares worth VND300 billion in Quarter I/2010).