
Thusday, 24/01/2008,10:49

Market for government bonds to come alive

The Finance Ministry has approved a project to develop an exclusive trading market for government bonds, according to the Ha Noi Securities Trading Centre (HaSTC).

The project aims to create a trading floor for government bonds that is separate from the securities trading floor. This move is in line with the country’s strategy to develop a capital market by 2010 and towards 2020.

Under the project, all transactions of government bonds, including bonds listed at the Ho Chi Minh City Stock Exchange (HoSE), will be conducted at the HaSTC. The transaction will cover all kinds of government bonds, local government bonds and government-guaranteed bonds.

HaSTC plans to run on trial the system in the second quarter.

According to HaSTC, a separate market for government bonds will meet the requirements of investors, strengthen up the development of the primary bond market, and improve the liquidity on the secondary market.
